Request for quote for consultancy services to produce an audit of renewable energy projects in the Goldfields Esperance Region
In 2013, Regional Development Australia Goldfields Esperance (RDAGE) commissioned the Audit of Renewable Energy Projects in the Goldfields-Esperance Region. Designed to provide a context for renewable energy projects, the report profiled the energy supply structure of the region and the funding environment for renewables. Additionally, the document documented some of the challenges facing renewable energy project development in the region.
In July 2021, the Goldfields Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils (GVROC) – a partnership between local governments in the Goldfields-Esperance region – was selected to participate in the Western Australian State Government’s Regional Climate Alliance (RCA) pilot program. The program is part of the Western Australian Climate Policy, and encourages regional local governments to work together to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The GVROC Regional Climate Alliance (RCA) Working Group, which includes representatives from regional LGAs, RDAGE and the Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission (GEDC), was formed in early 2022 to identify and deliver local climate change adaption and mitigation projects. Working group activities are coordinated by the RCA Coordinator.
In light of the growth in renewable energy generation over the last decade, the GVROC RCA Working Group has identified a need for a new renewable energy project audit to better understand the current regional renewable energy supply structure and market. The new audit will serve as a scene setting project for the GVROC RCA and help inform decision-making.
The intent of this work is to produce a document examining past and present renewable energy projects in the Goldfields-Esperance region since 2013. The document will capture the state of play of regional renewable energy investment and generation and serve to inform government, industry and communities as the region seeks to move toward a sustainable, low carbon energy future.
The final document will include:
- An analysis of energy market trends and factors influencing renewable energy investment in the region.
- An audit of renewable energy projects – completed, committed and proposed – across the region, inclusive of both public and private sector energy infrastructure investment.
- A high-level assessment of the successes and challenges experienced to date in the facilitation and delivery of regional renewable energy projects, and recommended actions to catalyse further investment in renewable energy.
The report will cover the Goldfields Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils (GVROC) geographical area, which includes the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Shires of Coolgardie, Dundas, Esperance, Laverton, Leonora, Menzies, Ngaanyatjarraku and Wiluna. The study area will also include the Shire of Ravensthorpe.
The report will cover current projects – that is, projects presently underway, committed and proposed – and past projects. Past projects should include those within the last nine years since the first Audit of Renewable Energy Projects in the Goldfields-Esperance Region (June 2013). Older projects captured in the first Audit may also be included where relevant. Projects will be assessed on their merits for inclusion in the final document during the draft review stage.
Scope of Works
The scope of works requires the consultant to:
• Attend initial briefing with members of this project’s working group to discuss approach and requirements of the consultancy work and overall outputs.
• Undertake desktop research to a) analyse energy market conditions and trends; and b) identify all relevant renewable energy projects in the region. This will include the collation of relevant literature and the creation of a reference list.
• Engage with:
o Renewable energy project proponents regarding key data and information specific to their respective projects.
o Resource companies operating in the region to gather information on energy projects that have been delivered, committed to or proposed to meet energy requirements.
o Capital infrastructure financiers regarding current projects and funding parameters.
o Current regional power generators and retailers regarding current and proposed future renewable energy projects.
o Hydrogen companies operating in the region to gather information on proposed green hydrogen projects that will incorporate large-scale renewable energy generation.
o The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) regarding market rules and approvals processes.
• Based on the information collected, provide a) an assessment of the successes and challenges experienced in facilitating and delivering renewable energy projects in the region, and b) recommended actions to catalyse further investment in renewable energy.
• Draft the report and meet with project working group for feedback and discussion.
• Produce the final report, incorporating any necessary changes based on input from the project working group.
The following information will be provided by the GVROC RCA Working Group to support the consultant with this work:
- Audit of Renewable Energy Projects in the Goldfields-Esperance Region 2013
- Relevant stakeholder lists (not exhaustive)
- Regional economic and demographic data on request
Key Partners and Stakeholders
Stakeholders (detailed stakeholder lists on request)
• Renewable energy project proponents
• Regional energy generators and retailers
• Resource companies and organisations
• Prospective green hydrogen project proponents
• Energy regulators
Contract Management
The GVROC RCA Coordinator, Niki Curtis, will be the Contract Manager on behalf of the GVROC Climate Alliance and key partners.
Contract Period
June 2022 – December 2022
Contract Deliverables
1. Initial briefing
2. Desktop research
3. Regional energy stakeholder engagement and consultation
4. Draft audit report
5. Final audit report
Variations to the contract must be sought in writing and approved in writing from the GVROC RCA Coordinator.
This contract and all written materials and verbal discussions as part of the contract are confidential and not to be shared outside GVROC and key partners, unless express consent of the GVROC RCA Coordinator is provided.
Submission Details
Please send a detailed quote covering all scope of works requests to the GVROC RCA Coordinator (contact details below) by 5pm, Friday June 24, 2022.
For more information, please contact Niki Curtis, RCA Coordinator, M: 0427 806 702 or E: