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GVROC Regional Climate Alliance

Goldfields-Esperance: a thriving, clean, green and economically resilient region

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report reflects what we already know and are seeing on the ground around the country; drier and hotter temperatures, more intense flooding and compounding impacts across communities and industry.  The findings of the report reinforce their previous report and state that climate action to date has been inadequate to address the issue. Globally, under the findings of the report, we are tracking on a 2°C warming pathway, which would mean over the coming decades, every region in the world will experience substantially worse impacts than are already being seen, resulting in compounding and cascading impacts on health, livelihoods, food, water, industry and national security.

To prepare for these impacts, this Regional Climate Alliance (RCA) is governed by a working group that meets regularly. Its mission is to support and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.

Focus areas include:

  • Mitigating drought impacts and improving water security

  • Sustainably managing the increased risk of bushfire threats

  • Improving uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions

  • Managing waste sustainably at a regional scale

For more information, you can contact the GVROC RCA Coordinator, Niki Curtis.

Mobile: 0427 806 702 


Climate Alliance: Programs

Climate Change impacts in the Goldfields Esperance Region

Diminishing resources and climate change are placing global pressures on the dual requirements of environmental management and protection, while growing the global economy and standard of living.

Significant environmental and economic impacts need to be faced, arising from changing temperatures, weather patterns and extreme events further impacting on biodiversity, agriculture, infrastructure, coastal communities and water supply.

Under a moderate-emissions scenario, climate change projections for the Goldfields region suggest that from a 1990 base level, temperatures will continue rising to be between 0.6 to 1˚C warmer by 2030 and annual rainfall will decline by between 5-7%, particularly over the April-October period.

Specific impacts identified included:

• Restraints on potable water supply from south-west Western Australia due to the winter drying effect but greater local opportunities for fresh water capture in summer;

• Improved stability of electricity supply in winter but greater instability in summer associated with the shifting seasonal incidence of storms;

• Changes to the liveability of the region with milder winters, but hotter and wetter summers;

• Generally detrimental changes to the natural ecology of the region (from drier winters, hotter and wetter summers and consequent bush fires); and

• Shifting seasonality of disruptions to road transport and mine production from rainfall events and to port operations from storms.

Climate change is particularly relevant to the Goldfields-Esperance region’s significant ecological regions, including the spectacular South Coast, the Great Western Woodlands, and within the central deserts and the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. All of these ecological assets are important to the region, State and, in the case of the Great Western Woodlands, the world.

Preserving these assets, while also ensuring a compatible development approach that allows industry to flourish, will be a major factor in the success of the region now and into the future.

(Source: Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission Regional Investment Blueprint)

Climate Alliance: Programs

Why Take Action?

Action on climate change can deliver many local co-benefits, including lower energy bills, more comfortable homes, improved health, new local jobs and industries, energy security and better air quality. Increasing resilience and community connection can also protect individuals, homes, businesses, infrastructure and services from climate change risks and extreme events. Some of the co-benefits of taking action on climate change are outlined below.


  • Improved local air quality from reduced burning of fossil fuels

  • Increased physical activity from active transport

  • Increased comfort from energy efficient homes

  • Reduced mental health complications from secure and comfortable housing, local employment and reduced concern over current and future climate impacts


  • New local jobs in the clean energy sector

  • Promoting investment through renewable energy

  • New skills and industries that can be exported throughout the world

  • Savings on energy and transportation costs through more efficient technology

  • Future-proofing businesses and industries from climate and financial risks


  • Protect energy supply and security through distributed generation Minimise impacts from heatwaves and extreme weather events

  • Increase biodiversity and access to green space

  • Increase community connections and social cohesion

  • Protect infrastructure from climate impacts

  • Protect vulnerable people in the community


  • Reduce energy poverty and disadvantage

  • Increase community participation and diverse representation

  • Improve housing security through more efficient housing

  • Create new and secure employment opportunities

Information extracted from Australian Local Government Climate Review (Ironbark Sustainability and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability)


This program is made possible by the State Government’s Regional Climate Alliance initiative, part of the Western Australian Climate Change Policy

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